Monday, January 18, 2010

Help For Haiti

This weeks story isn't going to be funny, in fact it is going to be short, serious and to the point.

If you have seen any of the nightly news programs this past week you know why.

An entire country has been devastated by a natural disaster.

I'm not worried about the leadership of the country or the politics of the nation but the images of children, homeless, parentless, injured beyond belief, well that makes me take notice and want to do something. Anything.....

These people of Haiti, need our help.

If you can please give.

Don't know how? Click on one of the links below to find out more.

or text text "Haiti" to 90999. Doing so will automatically donate $10 for Haitian rescue and recover efforts and will be billed on your bill.

It's a little help but doing so will make a big difference.

Nuff said, till next time
Peace Out